

The Age of Dinosaurs (188 words)


A long time ago, before there were any people, the dinosaur was the king of the world.

Dinosaurs came in many shapes and sizes. Some, like the brachiosaurus*, were more than 30 meters long and 15 meters tall. But one dinosaur, the compsognathus*, was the same size as a chicken! Most baby dinosaurs came from eggs, so they could not fly or live in water.

There were different types of dinosaurs, too. Some could walk on two legs and others used four legs. The velociraptor* was very fast but the ankylosaurus* was slow. Some had horns or spikes! Others had thick skin or had feathers, like a chicken!

They lived from about 230 million years to 65 million years ago. What happened to them? There are many reasons. Scientists say that something big crashed on the Earth and changed the weather for a long time. The dinosaurs could not live in the new weather situation and all died.

But they say that birds come from dinosaurs. So next time you see a bird flying near you, just imagine their very big family members from a long time ago!

* brachiosaurus – ブラキオサウルス
* compsognathus – コンプソグナトゥス
* velociraptor – ヴェロキラプトル
* ankylosaurus – アンキロサウルス

恐竜時代(レベル 3 – 188語)



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レベル4 250語まで  目安:英検2級までの単語と構文を使用すること

【参考】 旺文社書籍 URL https://www.obunsha.co.jp/