
The Straw and the Millionaire (170 words)


One night, a poor young man had a dream. God told him, “When you go out tomorrow, take the first thing that you touch.”

The next day, he went out but fell down. His hand landed on a straw on the ground. So, he took it.

In town, he saw the Queen and her prince. The prince was crying because he wanted a bee.

The young man caught a bee, tied it to his straw, and gave it to the prince. The Queen gave him three oranges as a reward.

Later, he met a very thirsty man with some horses. The young man gave him all three oranges. The thirsty man gave him a horse.

Next, the young man rode to a large house. The master said, “I’m moving my family to another town, and I need a horse. Can I have your horse for this house?”

The young man agreed and lived as the master of the house. Soon, he started many businesses, and finally he became a millionaire.

わらしべ長者(レベル4 – 170語)


ある晩、貧しい若者は夢を見ました。神様は「明日出かけたら、最初に触ったものを手に取りなさい。」と、 言いました。
若者はハチを捕まえ、藁に結ぶと、王子に渡しました 。その褒美に女王はオレンジを3つくれました。
その後、若者は、何頭かの馬を連れた喉がとても渇いている人に会いました。 若者は3つのオレンジ全部をその人にあげました。喉が渇いていた人は若者に馬を1頭 あげました。
次に、若者は馬に乗って大きな家に行きました。家の主人は「 家族と別の町に引っ越すので、馬が必要です。この家の代 わりにあなたの馬をもらえませんか。」と言いました。